A way to make tomorrow the day where all of us can play…
Athletic Achievement: Evaluate the nominee’s performance, records, and achievements in their respective sport at national and international levels.
Leadership and Sportsmanship: Assess the nominee’s leadership qualities, integrity, and sportsmanship both on and off the field.
Impact and Inspiration: Consider the nominee’s influence on inspiring others, promoting participation in sports, and advocating for important causes.
Diversity and Inclusion: Examine the nominee’s efforts to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion within their sport and the broader sporting community.
Community Engagement: Review the nominee’s involvement in community outreach programs, youth development initiatives, or philanthropic efforts related to sports.

iDREAMand the Media Award for Athletics
Welcome to the grand finale of your sporting journey! At iDREAM, we recognize the power of sports to inspire, unite, and transcend boundaries. Our commitment to the sports industry is not just about victories