
Are we talking Super 8 or M4P? We look at it all…


Storytelling and Narrative: Evaluate the quality and originality of the storytelling, character development, and thematic depth in the nominee’s films.

Technical Excellence: Assess the proficiency in filmmaking techniques such as cinematography, editing, sound design, and visual effects.

Social Impact: Consider the nominee’s ability to address important social issues, raise awareness, or spark meaningful conversations through their films.

Audience Engagement: Analyze the reach, reception, and impact of the nominee’s films on audiences, both domestically and internationally.

Diversity and Representation: Examine the nominee’s commitment to promoting diversity, inclusion, and authentic representation on and off-screen.



iDream and the Media Award for Filmmakers

Join a dynamic filmmaking community that celebrates diversity and supports the evolution of cinematic storytelling. Join a dynamic filmmaking community that celebrates diversity and supports the evolution of cinematic storytelling.

The iDream Media Award not only recognizes artistic brilliance but propels artists into the cultural spotlight, fostering global recognition and success.